Old Links

This is a work in very  intermittent progress. The immediate problem is either reducing the row size of changing the blogger layout. Be happy to speed this up is someone sends email to jimsmiling333@gmail.com.
The goal is to produce link pages in table form. Ultimately with sorted items going within column first and then from column to next column and from screen size table to next table, instead of the usual  next in row first.
Another goal is to select by keyboard from index letters or emphasized letters in text.  With possibly keyed and or clicked mode selection for replace, new tab, goto new tab, new screen, goto new screen, etc.
Present content came from a simplistic reduction of data in my personal over stuffed and overly complex bookmark files in November of 2013 or earlier.
Main Main.html / Bookmarks / 131104 1213 / H url Main aa / Main / jimsmiling333@gmail.com
10tv.www.c 2001transl 7t.clearli about.pcsu aboutus.ww accordance accuweathe accuweathe acdsee.sto acrobat.ex acus.www.o aim.www.or al-monitor aljazeera. allquartet amazon.ast amazon.www amazon.www american.b american.w
americanth anncoulter ap.hosted. apologetic app.io.cus aras.ca.ab archive.ww aspentimes atimes.www azcentral. bankofamer banneroftr bbc.www.uk beloit.www bezecom.me bible.org biblegatew biblestudy biblevinin biblewebap
bibleworks biblicalpr biblos.com biggovernm bigpeace.c bitcoincha blogspot.a blogspot.a blogspot.a blogspot.a blogspot.b blogspot.b blogspot.c blogspot.c blogspot.i blogspot.k blogspot.k blogspot.m blogspot.n blogspot.n
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cambiarese canadafree canadafree carolinegl cbslocal.b cbslocal.c cbslocal.c cbslocal.c cbslocal.d cbslocal.l cbslocal.l cbslocal.n cbslocal.p cbslocal.s cbslocal.s cbslocal.w cbsnews.ww cc.bible ccel.www.o cfif.org
chesterton chicagotri chicagotri chicagotri christianb chron.www. citizensvo city-journ clarionled claudemari cnbc.www.c cnet.news. cnn.blogs. cnn.blogs. cnn.editio cnn.www.co cnsnews.co commentary compressor concordant
concordmon conservati constituti consumerce covlife.ww dailycalle dailyinter dailymail. dailymail. dailymail. daymix.com delphiforu delphiforu democracyn demographi dennyburk. dianawest. dickmorris discoverth dispatch.w
dittoville drudgerepo duesberg.w earlychris earthship. emotiv.www english.ru eslbible.w etsjets.ww eurekalert express.ww facebook.w faithmusic ffcoalitio financialp forbes.www foreignpol foxbusines foxnews.bl foxnews.ra
foxnews.ww foxnewsins france24.w freebeacon freebiblec frontpagem ft.www.com galaxie.ww gap.piperl gentlewisd getty.blog gizmodo.co go.abcloca go.abcnews godlessgee gofree.com goodreads. google.acc google.mai google.plu
google.sup google.www googlecode gotomypc.w gq.www.com gravatar.e greekingou guardian.w gyration.w haaretz.ww healthdisc heritage.b hermancain hernandoto historicis hollywoodr hotair.com howtogeek. hp. redire hp.redirec
hp.www2.h2 hp.www4.h4 htmlgoodie humanevent iamnotapro ibtimes.ww ibtimes.ww iheart.www impeachoba independen infowars.w interlinea investors. investors. irides.mbc irishexami israelhayo israellyco israelnati iwant2go2s
j143.clear java.com javascript jerusalemo jewishworl jimbatley. jimhamilto jpost.blog keyboard-a kickstarte koinoniabl latimes.ww legalinsur letgodbetr linkedin.w list-manag listen.fm. live365.ww loc.thomas logos.www.
lohud.www. lucianne.c lucianne.w luminarium manhattan- mansfieldn marketwatc markhumphr mcall.www. mcclatchyd mcstories. me.drchris mediaite.w meforum.ww merrell.ww michaelhbu michaeljkr microsoft. microsoft. microsoft.
microsoft. middlesexc mirror.www morningjou motherjone msn.local. msn.money. msnbc.nbcs muslimbrot myfoxbosto myfoxny.co myfoxny.ww myspace.ww mystudybib myway.apne nationalre naturalnew naturalsoc natureworl nbcbayarea
nbclosange nbcnews.in nbcnews.wo nbcnews.ww nbcphilade nbcwashing nearemmaus netcharles netflix.mo newcriteri news12.www newsbuster newsmax.w3 nfl.www.co nj.www.com nndb.www.c noaa.erh.w northjerse notjustano npr.www.or
nraila.www nramedia.w ntwrightpa nydailynew nymag.com nypost.www nysun.www. nytimes.bl nytimes.ww observer.c ocregister oh-barcelo oldchristi oldchristi oldinthene oracle.www oregonmag. oremus.bib ottawaciti oxfordbibl
pajamasmed pandora.ww paramountc patheos.ww pcmag.www. peakprospe peeplo.us. philly.www pjmedia.co politico.w powerlineb preachingt ptsem.comm publicchri puritanser raceagains radionomy. rbecs.org reagan.web realclearb
realclearp realclearr realclears reason.com redflagnew reftagger. rei.www.co reluctant- reuters.ww reviewinga roguefitne rollingsto rootforame rt.com rushlimbau russellmin rxwiki.www salon.www. samsung.do samsung.ww
sbl-site.o sciencewor scripture4 sfgate.www ship-of-fo singularit slate.www. smu.www.ed snapfiles. snapfish.w sodahead.w soul-guida spectator. spectator. sperrytops spotify.ww standpoint star-teleg state.www. stempublis
stephenbar streamthew studiesins sun-sentin suntimes.w surveymonk sustaindem t4g.org tampabay.w tanakh.inf teapartytr technology techradar. telegraph. telegraph. television theaquilar theatlanti theautomat thebrowser
thecampoft theconserv thecrimson thedailybe thedailybe thedailybi theeconomi thefiscalt thegateway thegospelc thehill.co themcj.com themonitor thenewamer thenowhere theologywe theproject therightsc thesmoking thesun.www
theulsterm theweek.co thinktheol time.natio tnr.www.co today.life townhall.c townhall.f tripadviso tulsaworld tunein.com tutorialsp tvguide.ww twitter.co twoifbytea typepad.at typepad.fu uci.tlg.st upi.www.co usatoday.w
usatoday.y usnews.www vanityfair verizon.sh verizon.ww verizon.ww videoblock vimeo.com virtueonli virusmyth. w3schools. washington washington washington washington washington washington washington washington weather.ww
webdetail. weeklystan weta.www.o whatwouldt whitehouse whitehouse whitehouse wikipedia. windowsazu wired.www. wired.www. wjla.www.c wmal.www.c wnd.kleino wnd.www.co wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress.
wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wordpress. wsj.blogs. wsj.online wthr.www.c wundergrou wusa9.www.
wustl.rap. www.de.spi www.se.the yahoo.fina yahoo.news yahoo.news yahoo.voic ynetnews.w youtube.ww youversion zerohedge.