Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pro 11:9,12,25 2Ch 7:14 A still, small, voice

Proverbs 11:9 With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escapes.
Proverbs 11:12 A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue
Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself, be refreshed.
2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.
A still, small, voice (see 1Ki 19.11-12)
Dr. Ben Carson speaks to O and to the rest of us
Watch the video ( ), and / or read the transcript ( ) regularly. It will greatly improve your effective understanding of the State of the Union. Too much is repeatedly obscured by the speech of our president, the blather of the liberal bubble addicted, and the media echoes reverberating throughout the great liberal bubble that surrounds us all, not just the perfectly enclosed liberal bubbleheads.
Excerpts from Dr. Ben Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Homily of Feb. 8, 2013
[...] [Political Correctness:] People are afraid to say Merry Christmas at Christmas time. Doesn’t matter whether the person you’re talking to is Jewish or, you know, whether they’re any religion. That’s a salutation, a greeting of goodwill. We’ve got to get over this sensitivity. You know, and it keeps people from saying what they really believe.
You know, I’m reminded of a very successful young businessman, and he loved to buy his mother these exotic gifts for mother’s day. And he ran out of ideas, and then he ran across these birds. These birds were cool, you know? They cost $5,000 apiece. They could dance, they could sing, they could talk. He was so excited, he bought two of of them. Sent them to his mother, couldn’t wait to call her up on mother’s day, mother, mother, what’d you think of those birds? And she said, they was good. [laughter] He said, no, no, no! Mother, you didn’t eat those birds? Those birds cost $5,000 apiece! They could dance, they could sing, they could talk! And she said, well, they should have said something. [laughter] And, you know, that’s where we end up, too, if we don’t speak up for what we believe. [laughter] And, you know, what we need to do — [applause] what we need to do in this pc world is forget about unanimity of speech and unanimity of thought, and we need to concentrate on being respectful to those people with whom we disagree.
And that’s when I believe we begin to make progress. and one last thing about political correctness, which I think is a horrible thing, by the way. I’m very, very come — compassionate, and I’m not never out to offend anyone. But pc is dangerous. Because, you see, this country one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. and it muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them. And at the same time, keeps people from discussing important issues while the fabric of this society is being changed. And we cannot fall for that trick. And what we need to do is start talking about things, talking about things that are important.
[Education:] […] You know. [laughter] after a while, I actually began to enjoy reading those books because we were very poor, but between the covers of those books I could go anywhere, I could be anybody, i could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment, and as I read those stories, I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who has the most to do with you and what happens to you in life is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision. And I came to understand that I had control of my own destiny. And at that point I didn’t hate poverty anymore, because I knew it was only temporary. I knew I could change that. it was incredibly liberating for me, made all the difference.
To continue on that theme of education, in 1831 Alexis de Toqueville came to study America. The Europeans were fascinated. How could a fledgling Nation, barely 50 years old already be competing with them on virtually every level. This was impossible. De Toqueville was going to sort it out and he looked at our government and he was duly impressed by the three branches of government – four now because now we have special interest groups, but it was only three back in those days. He said, WOW, this is really something, but then he said, but let me look at their educational system and he was blown away. See, anybody who had finished the second grade was completely literate. He could find a mountain man on the outskirts of society who could read the newspaper and have a political discussion, could tell him how the government worked.
If you really want to be impressed, take a look at the chapter on education in my latest book, America the Beautiful, which I wrote with my wife – it came out last year, and in that education chapter you will see questions extracted from a sixth grade exit exam from the 1800′s – a test you had to pass to get your sixth grade certificate. I doubt most college graduates today could pass that test. We have dumbed things down to that level and the reason that is so dangerous is because the people who founded this Nation said that our system of government was designed for a well-informed and educated populace, and when they become less informed, they become vulnerable. Think about that. That is why education is so vitally important.
[Lawyers:] We need doctors, we needs scientists, engineers. We need all those people involved in government, not just lawyers…I don’t have anything against lawyers, but you know, here’s the thing about lawyers…I’m sorry, but I got to be truthful…got to be truthful – what do lawyers learn in law school? To win, by hook or by crook. You gotta win, so you got all these Democrat lawyers, and you got all these Republican lawyers and their sides want to win. We need to get rid of that. What we need to start thinking about is, how do we solve problems?
[An Education Solution:] Now, before I get shot, let me finish. I don’t like to bring up problems without coming up with solutions. My wife and I started the Carson Scholars Fund 16 years ago […]
We we’d to to these schools and we’d see all these trophies: State Basketball, State Wrestling, this, that and the other. The Quarterback was the Big Man on Campus. What about the intellectual Superstar? What did they get? A National Honor Society pin? A pat on the head, there, there little Nerd? Nobody cared about them. And is it any wonder that sometimes the smart kids try to hide? They don’t want anybody to know they are smart? This is not helping us or our Nation, so we started giving out scholarships from all backgrounds for superior academic performance and demonstration of humanitarian qualities. Unless you cared about other people, it didn’t matter how smart you were. We’ve got plenty of people like that. We don’t need smart people who don’t care about other people.
We would give them money. The money would go into a Trust. They would get interest on it. When they would go to college they would get the money, but also the school gets a trophy, every bit as impressive as a sports trophy – right out there with the others. They get a medal. They get to go t a banquet. We try to put them on a pedestal as impressive as we do the All-State athletes. I have nothing against athletics or entertainment. I’m from Baltimore. The Ravens won. This is great – okay. But, but – what will maintain our position in the world? The ability to shoot a 25 foot jump shot or the ability to solve a quadratic equation? We need to put the things into proper perspective.
Many teachers have told us that when we put a Carson Scholar in their classroom, the GPA of the whole classroom goes up over the next year. It’s been very gratifying. We started 16 years ago with 25 scholarships in Maryland, now we’ve given out more than 5,000 and we are in all 50 states, but we’ve also put in Reading Rooms. These are fascinating places that no little kid could possibly pass up. And uh, they get points for the amount of time they spend reading, and the number of books they read. They can trade the points for prizes. In the beginning they do it for the prizes, but it doesn’t take long before their academic performance begins to improve.
And we particularly target Title One schools where the kids come from homes with no books and they go to schools with no libraries. Those are the ones who drop out. We need to truncate that process early on because we can’t afford to waste any of those young people. You know, for every one of those people we keep from going down that path – that path of self-destruction and mediocrity, that’s one less person you have to protect yourself and your family from. One less person you have to pay for in the penal or welfare system. One more taxpaying productive member of society who may invent a new energy source or come up with a cure for cancer. They are all important to us and we need every single one of them it makes a difference. And when you go home tonight read about it, carsonscholars,
Why is it so important that we educate our people? Because we don’t want to go down the pathway as so many pinnacle nations that have preceded us. I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading, but you know, we can fix it.
Why can we fix it because we’re smart. We have some of the most intellectually gifted people leading our Nation. All we need to do is remember what our real responsibilities are so that we can solve the problems.
[National Debt:] I think about these problems all the time, and my role, you know, model was Jesus. He used parables to help people understand things. And one of our big problems right now, and like I said, I’m not politically correct, so I’m sorry, but you know – our deficit is a big problem. Think about it. And our National Debt – $16.5 Trillion dollars – you think that’s not a lot of money? I’ll tell you what! Count one number per second, which you can’t even do because once you get to a thousand it will take you longer than a second, but…one number per second. You know how long it would take you to count to 16 Trillion? 507,000 years – more than a half a million years to get there. We have to deal with this.
[Special Interests:] Here’s a parable: A family falls on hard times. Dad loses his job or is demoted to part time work. He has 5 children. He comes to the 5 children, he says we’re going to have to reduce your allowance. Well, they’re not happy about it but – he says, except for John and Susan. They’re, they’re special. They get to keep their allowance. In fact, we’ll give them more. How do you think that’s going to go down? Not too well. Same thing happens. Enough said.
[Taxation:] What about our taxation system? So complex there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle of our tax system. If I wanted to get you, I could get you on a tax issue. That doesn’t make any sense. What we need to do is come up with something that is simple.
When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the Universe, God, and he’s given us a system. It’s called tithe. Now we don’t necessarily have to do it 10% but it’s principle. He didn’t say, if your crops fail, don’t give me any tithes. He didn’t say, if you have a bumper crop, give me triple tithes. So there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 Billion dollars you put in a Billion. You make $10 you put in $1 – of course, you gotta get rid of the loopholes, but now now some people say, that’s not fair because it doesn’t hurt the guy who made $10 Billion dollars as much as the guy who made $10. Where does it say you have to hurt the guy. He’s just put in a billion in the pot. We don’t need to hurt him.
It’s that kind of thinking –that kind of thinking that has resulted in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That money needs to be back here, building our infrastructure and creating jobs – and we’re smart enough – we’re smart enough to figure out how to do that.
[Health Care:] We’ve already started down the path to solving one of the other big problems, health care. We need to have good health care for everybody. It’s the most important thing that a person can have. Money means nothing, titles mean nothing when you don’t have your health, but we’ve got to figure out efficient ways to do it. We spend a lot of money on health care, twice as much per capita as anybody in else in the world, and yet not very efficient. What can we do?
Here’s my solution. When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record and a health savings account [HSA], to which money can be contributed, pre-tax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members so that when you’re 85 years old and you’ve got 6 diseases, you’re not trying to spend up everything. You’re happy to pass it on and nobody is talking about death panels. That’s number one. Also –
For the people who are indigent, who don’t have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money instead of sending it to bureaucracy – let’s put it into HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care and what do you think they’re going to do? They’re going to learn very quickly how to be responsible. When Mr. Jones gets that diabetic foot ulcer, he’s not going to the Emergency Room and blowing a big chunk of it. He’s going to go to the Clinic. He learns that very quickly – gets the same treatment. In the Emergency Room they send him out. In the Clinic they say, now let’s get your diabetes under control so that you’re not back here in three weeks with another problem. That’s how we begin to solve these kinds of problems. It’s much more complex than that, and I don’t have time to go into it all, but we can do all these things because we are smart people. [...]
Watch the video ( ), and / or read the transcript ( ) regularly. | Washington Times articles by Dr, Ben Carson - | Dr. Carson's personal site - | Carson Scholars site - | Wikipedia entry for Dr. Ben Carson -

I2C 140130a Pro 11v9 v12 v25 2Ch 7v14 A still small voice / I2C / 140130 1114 / Prov 11:9, 12, 25 2Chron 7:14 | A still, small, voice / Dr. Ben Carson speaks to O and to the rest of us

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Matt 5:3 EZ2 Read

(Mat 5:3 ERV)  "Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God's kingdom belongs to them.
ERV Translates Verse Marvelously
"Great blessings belong to those". In literal translation this phrase is perhaps "Eternally happy are they". But "belongs" in this and following verses is a superlative rendition of the omitted verb and nominative case of the adjective and article. "Blessed", "blessings", etc., present difficulties in understanding our translations since two rather different Greek word are commonly translated this way. Here, and in the following verses, makarios is the Greek word and it means lasting and / or great happiness. In pagan Greek thought it represents the happiness of their gods. In Christian thought it represents the happiness of the elect, a happiness both great and eternal because of the unbreakable bond which unites them to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ through justifying faith in His name.
"Those who know they are spiritually in need". Literally, perhaps, "are beggars in the spiritual realm". The Greek word has a basic meaning of those who are forced to beg because of their shortcomings. (This is the Greek word behind almost all New Testament occurrences of "poor".) There is another word for those forced to work for a living. (The Septuagint, the King James Version of first century Judaism and source of most Old Testament quotations in the New Testament, generally maintains the distinction between the two words that is found in classical Greek.)  The ERV gives us the strongly implied state of mind of the spiritual beggar. This is very helpful in understanding the verse.
"God's kingdom belongs to them." Again, "belongs" is a superlative rendition, in this case of the present tense of the verb and genitive case of the pronoun. "God’s kingdom" seems to imply a direct relationship to the Almighty. The "kingdom of heaven" (more literally perhaps, "the kingdom from the heavens"), a phrase frequent in this gospel, seems to be more related to the millennial kingdom and to other dispensational arrangements where Moses, kings, judges, priests, prophets, apostles, the hundred and / or the forty-four thousand, etc., serve as mediators between God and man. ERV seems to apply the general context of all scripture to apply the verse to the present dispensation in which God in Christ is the Mediator. Or, more correctly, "God’s kingdom" is used in a general sense. The status of the begotten again believer in this dispensation is akin to that of a viceroy over self (Heb 12.28; Rom 5.17), operating in Christian freedom (Rom 14.17) and in the spirit of that life which is in Christ Jesus (Rom 8.2).
Matthew 5.3 Translation Comparison
(Mat 5:3 KJV)  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 5:3 ERV)  "Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God's kingdom belongs to them.
(Mat 5:3 jvb)  Eternally happy are the spiritual beggars: for theirs is the kingdom from the heavens.
Easy-to-Read Version of Matthew 5:1-10
(Mat 5:1-10 ERV)  When Jesus saw the crowds of people there, he went up on a hill and sat down. His followers came and sat next to him.  (2)  Then Jesus began teaching the people. He said,  (3)  "Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need. God's kingdom belongs to them.  (4)  Great blessings belong to those who are sad now. God will comfort them.  (5)  Great blessings belong to those who are humble. They will be given the land God promised.  (6)  Great blessings belong to those who want to do right more than anything else. God will fully satisfy them.  (7)  Great blessings belong to those who show mercy to others. Mercy will be given to them.  (8)  Great blessings belong to those whose thoughts are pure. They will be with God.  (9)  Great blessings belong to those who work to bring peace. God will call them his sons and daughters.  (10)  Great blessings belong to those who suffer persecution for doing what is right. God's kingdom belongs to them.
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) is new to me.
I was greatly surprised this morning by the quality of the translation of Mat 5.3 in a version I had never heard of before. I found it in my latest installation of the great and free bible software package, E-Sword - -. I downloaded ERV because it was also free, and I kept it in my compare versions list because it was unfamiliar and in English. So in my quiet time study currently on Mathew 5, up pops the excellently translated Mat 5.3 ERV. Lord willing, I will be posting more about this version later.

I2C 140129a Mat 5v3 EZ2 Read / I2C / 140129 1011 / Matt 5:3 EZ2 Read / ERV Translates Verse Marvelously

Friday, January 24, 2014

Isaiah 40 | O will be 0

(Isa 40:1 KJV) Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.

Read the whole chapter. It puts things in perspective, and may be used to edify the forgetful and to strengthen the weary.
Isaiah is to speak comfortably (Isa 40.2) regarding two Jerusalems, the heavenly Jerusalem of the Assembly (Gal 4.26); and the millennial Jerusalem of Israel.
In each case, her warfare is accomplished through the death and resurrection of the Redeemer. And the victory of the inhabitants is theirs through faith (John 5.4-5).

Matthew uses Isa 40.3 to introduce the ministry of John the Baptist who begins the good news of a new covenant and imminence of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 3.2-3).

(Isa 40:22-24 KJV) It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:1 23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. 24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

For those who worry overmuch about the egregious malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance of our president and the future impeachable actions of his judicial appointments, there is comfort in these verses.

And there is comfort for those who will not hear the word of God but perhaps may listen to the words of an English author whom is regarded by many as a Solomon without a crown.

King Richard II: […] for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death [[or end of term]] his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
- Richard II, Act III, Scene 2, Lines 1570-1576

Interestingly, the same author warned about lean and hungry looks.

Caesar: Let me have men about me that are fat;
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights:
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
- Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2, Lines 284-287

And Isaiah 40 ends with a valuable instruction for the begotten again of all dispensations. An instruction that might well serve as a useful outline to the Epistle to the Hebrews.

(Isa 40:29-31 KJV) He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD (Heb 4.9-13) shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles (Heb 10.19-25); they shall run, and not be weary (Heb 12.1-2, 28-29); and they shall walk, and not faint (Heb 13.10-16).

I2C 140124a Isa 40 O will be 0 / I2C / 140123 1251 / Isa 40 O will be 0 / "Comfort ye my people"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rom 6:17 Providence vs. free will

(Rom 6:17 NKJ)  But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.

Providence vs free will
Absolute sovereignty vs moral responsibility
This verse affirms both the moral responsibility of man (to obey the Gospel from the heart) and the absolute sovereignty of God (who has delivered each into teaching specifically and justly designed for that individual).
As man is made in the image of God, man's free will may be viewed as made in the image of the absolute freedom of God's will. His will is only bound by His attributes, who and what He is.
Man's free will is upheld by the absolute sovereignty of God. Providence ensures that each is justly and mercifully treated according to the freely expressed heart felt will of each.

The apparent conflict between free will and determinism is a general philosophic problem, not just Christian theological problem.
Samuel Johnson had a very fine general answer. "[Free will] - all experience is for it, all theory is against it."
This is a common observation. The invisible things of the Creator have been made known to the creature (Rom 1 19-20).

Both God's absolute sovereignty and man's moral responsibility are firmly taught in Scripture.
Both are to be firmly believed.
And the faith, trust, and love toward God in the heart of the begotten again enable this firm belief.
And, as a result, the characteristics of the Kingdom of God: Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in a holy spirit (Rom 14.17); are experienced and enhanced within.

Justifying faith is an inner lasting belief in impossibilities. That one is a child of God despite our defects (Rom 8.16). That a Man rose from the dead (Rom 10.9-10).
Belief in both absolute sovereignty and moral responsibility may seem to be paradox to the creature. But it is understood by the Creator, and the begotten again trust Him.

I2C 140122a Rom 6v17 Providence vs free will / I2C / 1401 / Rom 6v17 Providence vs free will / Absolute sovereignty vs moral responsibility

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2nd Kings 9:33 O Must Go -Hentoff

(2Ki 9:33 NKJ) Then he said, "Throw her down." So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses; and he trampled her underfoot.

O Must Go -Hentoff
"Most un-American president ever"
A different dispensation and our Constitution dictate gentler methods for the removal of evil from governance in our Nation and century.
But as the eunuchs of the painted Jezebel came to think clearly and to assist in her removal, so also, those American liberals of the old-fashioned puritan conscience sort, are coming to their senses.

Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment
'The most destructive, dangerous president we've ever had"
WASHINGTON — Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.
Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama. [/] And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment.
Hentoff sees the biggest problem as Obama’s penchant to rule by executive order when he can’t convince Congress to do things his way.
The issue jumped back into the headlines last week when, just before his first Cabinet meeting of 2014, Obama said , “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.”
“Apparently he doesn’t give one damn about the separation of powers,” Hentoff told WND. “Never before in our history has a president done these things.”
And just to make sure everyone knows how extremely serious he regards the situation, the journalist added, “This is the worst state, I think, the country has ever been in.”
[N.B. Also see a short American Thinker article: May 21, 2013 / The Case for Impeachment / By Bruce Walker / or ]
Many have regarded Hentoff as the conscience of civil libertarianism and liberalism for decades.
Recognized as one of the foremost authorities on the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court, Hentoff was a columnist and staff writer with The Village Voice for 51 years, from 1957 until 2008, when his columns began appearing in WND.
Hentoff left the Voice after he looked into the abortion industry, was shocked by what he found and had a falling-out with colleagues.
The First Amendment expert still hews left on many issues, railing against former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney, the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the National Defense Authorization Act.
But he hasn’t liked Obama from the start.
“Within a few months after he was elected, I wrote a column saying he was going to be the most destructive, dangerous president we’ve ever had,” he said.
Hentoff said people he’d known for years told him to stop being so negative and to give Obama a chance.
“Well, we’ve given him a chance. I understated the case a little.”
In other words, Hentoff thinks Obama is the most dangerous and destructive president ever.
And, that’s why the veteran journalist thinks it’s time to begin looking into impeachment.
Get the bumper sticker that tells everyone to Impeach Obama!
“He has no right to do these executive orders,” Hentoff insisted, his voice reaching a crescendo of indignation.
Nat Hentoff
He says Obama gets away with it only because there is no outrage in Congress, no coverage by the media and no knowledge by the public.
“He’s in a position now where he figures he’s going to do whatever he wants to do.”
In fact, Hentoff said, Obama doesn’t even pretend to care about the separation of powers between the executive branch and Congress anymore, because “He’s the boss and hardly anybody cares enough” to stop him.
The most well-known examples of Obama changing or issuing laws with the stroke of a pen by issuing executive orders include: [/] Delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare [/] Changing the types of plans available under Obamacare [/] Ensuring abortions would be covered under Obamacare [/] Enacting key provisions of the failed Dream Act to halt deportations of illegal immigrants [/] Enacting stricter gun-control measures [/] Sealing presidential records [/] Creating an economic council [/] Creating a domestic policy council [/] Changing pay grades
As WND previously reported , even the the far left-leaning FactCheck wrote, “It’s true that President Obama is increasingly using his executive powers in the face of staunch Republican opposition in Congress. He’s changed federal policies on immigration and welfare and appointed officials without congressional approval.”
“I would say that never before in our history had a president done these things,” Hentoff mused.
He noted that while Nixon merely claimed that winning an election gave him the right to do what he wanted, Obama is actually doing whatever he pleases.
The journalist said he doesn’t think any other president has acted so lawlessly as a matter of habit.
“So, if this isn’t a reason for at least the start of an independent investigation that would lead to impeachment, what is?”
Hentoff is baffled that Obama should escape such scrutiny when former President Bill Clinton faced impeachment just for being “a lousy liar.”
[N.B. Actually President Clinton was probably the most skilled prevaricator and spinner to hold high political office. Our current president is as unskilled at prevarication and spinning as he is at most everything else. Except, of course, his chameleon capacity to project a false self, appearing as a normal and exemplary member of the culture in which he is immersed.]
A big part of the problem, the journalist believes, is what he calls the utter ignorance of a huge portion of the population, which is not outraged at losing its basic right to be self-governing.
And Obama “doesn’t give a damn, because he can get away with whatever he wants.”
That’s why Hentoff called this the worst state the country has ever been in, “Even worse than Woodrow Wilson’s regime, when people could be arrested for speaking German.”
Compounding the problem he says, is the digital age, which has allowed the president to engage in unprecedented domestic spying with the apparatus of the National Security Agency.
WND asked if Obama really posed such a threat, considering he was a professor of constitutional law.
“People forget, he taught a course that he was not fully qualified to teach. But nobody seemed to care,” Hentoff observed.
He also pointed out that Obama was the only editor of the Harvard Law Review to never publish an article, something that went virtually unnoticed when voters considered his qualifications.
“See, that was a case of affirmative-action and people feeling, ‘Hey we ought to do something important, symbolically, and here’s a black guy, and he’s articulate, so we’re gonna do this.’
Hentoff mentioned that former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, the man Time Magazine once called “the most doctrinaire and committed civil libertarian ever to sit on the [Supreme C]ourt,” once personally lectured him that “Affirmative-action on a racial basis is a total violation of the 14th Amendment, no doubt about it.”
And, referring to Obama’s presidency, the journalist said, “That’s what that kind of affirmative-action did for us.”
He told WND that he firmly believed the president does not care about due process, the separation of powers, the concept of a self-governing republic or many other basic American ideals.
And that’s why, he said, “What Obama is doing now is about as un-American as you can get.”
Hentoff wanted to make sure no one thought he was engaging in hyperbole.
He said it was literally true that Obama is “the most un-American president we’ve ever had.”
And just to make sure everybody heard him, he added, “I hope the FBI got all of that.”

Hentoff is just the latest public figure to be added to the growing list of those mentioning the possible impeachment of President Obama. [/] WND has been keeping track , and that list now includes: [/] Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa; Blake Farenthold, R-Texas; Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas; Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas; Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.; Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich.; Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; Rep. Trey Radel, R-Fla., and Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla. [/] Follow Garth Kant on Twitter @DCgarth .
Garth Kant About | Email | Archive [/] Garth Kant is WND Washington news editor. Previously, he spent five years writing, copy-editing and producing at "CNN Headline News," three years writing, copy-editing and training writers at MSNBC, and also served several local TV newsrooms as producer, executive producer and assistant news director. He is the author of the McGraw-Hill textbook, "How to Write Television News." [My emphasis. Perhaps overdone because I have had the same thoughts about our president over the same period of time. Happy to have someone so articulate and of a different political persuasion expressing these thoughts so well.]

I2C 140121a 2Ki 9v33 O Must Go dd Hentoff / I2C / 1401 / 2nd Kings 9:33 O Must Go -Hentoff / "Most un-American president ever"

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Luke 16:30-31 Saving Faith

(Luk 16:30-31 KJV) And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.  31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Saving Faith
For admitted helpless sinners who obey the Gospel

From a forum thread (after editing):
Justifying faith (Rom 5.1,17) includes permanent lasting certitude (Rom 8.16) about impossibilities.
With Abraham this had to do his "dead" body and Sarah's "dead" womb (Rom 4.19).
For the Christian this has to do with believing a Man rose from the dead (Rom 10.9-10) and that he is a child of God despite his defects (Rom 8.16).
Justifying faith (John 5.24) requires realization that one is a helpless sinner (Rom 8.8).
The rich man in Hades was not aware of this. He thought that his good intentions toward his relatives had merit (Luke 16.30-31).
One thing few realize is that in Rom 3.22-23 the "upon all them that believe" is subset of the "unto all", all men (see Rom 3.3).
And, similarly, in Rom 5:18; 5:19 the "all" of v. 18 are clearly contrasted with the "many" of v. 19. The offer of free salvation is too all, many accept it.
Only those who realize that they are helpless sinners in need of salvation are able to accept free salvation. (Rom 6.17).
God respects the freedom He has given to beings created in His image. If they are unwilling to irrevocably give up their right to go to perdition, He has prepared a place for spiritual defectors (Rev 20.10,13,14,15).
Those receiving justifying faith believe God (John 1.12) instead of the wisdom of men (1Cor 2.5).
The sort of faith you are crediting those who died in their sins with is different. It requires believing in the wisdom of men ("I'm just as good as you are.") (see Rom 5.7,8) and rejecting the many evidences in natural inner knowledge (Rom 1.19,20,22) and scripture that payment for sins will be exacted in the afterlife (Matt 7.23; 5.29) unless true repentance takes place before death (Heb 9.27).

Universal Salvation post on thread

The post (slightly edited) responded to by the above post:
[X] said... / To all, / For the past few weeks, I've had the pleasure of discussing with several participants of this forum the question, Will God freely justify, reconcile and save all of mankind?
If I have understood everyone correctly, all of you have been saying that not all of mankind will be justified, reconciled and saved.
My good friend, [Y], sometime ago, has written two short studies on "Justified freely (gratuitously), which I like to present for you to critique. Any comments will, of course, be welcome. / [X]

Justified Freely (gratuitously) (1)
Abraham was righteous, because he believed God’s word (Gen.15:6). In the teaching of the Apostle Paul, this known fact is the classical example of justification by faith (Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6). But what does that means? What did Abraham believe?
When we turn to Genesis 15, we see that an elderly, childless Abram (Gen 15:1) was led out into the night and was shown the starry sky above him (Gen 15:5). Just as countless, in number, will be your descendants, he was assured. And after this promise we read the well-known words:
And he believed in the YAHWEH, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.
Of Abraham nothing was asked. He was informed of something. Even if Abraham would not have believed God, that would not have changed the information. Abram believed an unconditional message. A word freely (gratuitously) given him. And that faith was counted to him for righteousness. Hence, Paul concludes:
But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness -Romans 4:5-
It is not faith, in general, that God reckons for righteousness, as if believing is a kind of performance that God rewards with justification. Then, faith (through the backdoor) would still be a "work" deserving payment (Rom. 4:4). But the point is that the faith that God counts for righteousness, is faith in His unconditional promise. This excludes all (self-) glory (Rom. 4:2) and makes it that GOD receives all the glory (Rom. 4:20-22).
Lo and behold, the Good News message: gratuitous (free) justification! And therefore, too, the justification of all! This ironclad logic is inescapable according to Paul, as he stated earlier:
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely (=gratuitously) by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, -Romans 3:23,24-
And no less clearly in Chapter 5:
Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. -Romans 5:18-
Through this joyful tiding, we can establish our faith on Him "Who justifies the ungodly"

I2C 140118a Luk 16v30to31 Saving Faith / I2C / 140118 1341 / Luke 16:30-31 Saving Faith / For admitted helpless sinners who obey the Gospel

Friday, January 17, 2014

1st John 3:16-18 Syria: Our Egregious Nonfeasance

1st John 3:16-18 Syria: Our Egregious Nonfeasance - J : ) / The sovereign peoples' power and responsibility is Providential | (Text of web log post is copied below. But it is best viewed at the web log. -  - )

(1st John 3:16-18 NKJV) By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Syria: Our Egregious Nonfeasance
The sovereign peoples' power and responsibility is Providential
The massive military and economic power of our Nation is of God.
It is the responsibility of the several sovereign peoples of the several sovereign states to effectively oversee those to whom they have delegated limited authority.
The web logger who channels ++Cranmer describes the situation in Syria which is largely the result of the egregious nonfeasance of the sovereign peoples and their chosen subordinates.
Like the big boy on the block, the sole super-power has been given certain power and authority and responsibility by the living God.
The sword has been given us as His servants. Force of various sorts, and the threat of force are to be wisely used in His service.

The slaughter of Syria's Christians - doing nothing is not an option
Posted by Archbishop Cranmer at 9:43 am
This young boy sleeps in between the graves of his dead parents. The location is unknown, except for it being somewhere in Syria. The faith of the boy is unknown, but it is immaterial. The suffering of innocents breaks the heart. The grieving of a child is an agony shared by the whole of humanity. His loss is bottomless; his despair boundless; his tears endless.
He is just one child in a sea of suffering in which thousands are being butchered and millions displaced. As ever, the Christians are getting it worst. According to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN ), violence against Christians in Syria is becoming "one of the worst persecutions endured by Christians in this part of the third millennium". Christianity risks being expunged from the region altogether. Another report talks of Christians being beheaded simply for wearing a cross, and tells us that "more than 600,000 Christians - a third of the total Syrian faithful - are internally displaced or living as refugees in neighboring countries".
Other estimates put the figure at 1.3 million - that is two thirds of the entire Christian population of Syria. They have no destiny and serve no purpose: they are victims fate and chance. We can talk of the "Christian hope" and waffle on about God's promises and the unfathomable peace of Christ. But when you are cold and hungry, words bring little comfort. And when you're grieving for your mum and dad, a rational appeal to God's coming vindication offers absolutely nothing.
Apparently the UK is giving aid, along with the rest of the EU, which amounts to millions of pounds. That's nice, but this boy needs a hug, a shoulder, and new familial relationships to begin to heal his lamenting spirit. He doesn't understand talk of the anti-Assad forces, Al-Qaeda or the Free Syrian Army. He doesn't do politics. He just wants to put his arms around his parents and be loved again.
And his story - whatever it is - will be just one among the multitudes of the innocent dead. When St John saw the martyred souls beneath the altar crying "How long?" (Rev 6:9f), he saw the question as the Old Testament prophets had left it:
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever (Dan 12:2f).
Outstanding injustice awaits the final intervention of God to judge this world and to give life to the dead. Daniel expresses the limitations of a purely cosmological theodicy in chapters 4 and 5. It is the opacity of history, the sealed scroll in God's hand, that reduces John to tears [Rev 5.4]. It is the revelation of the Lion of Judah, who is also the sacrificed Lamb of God, which affords us a glimpse of joy that evil and suffering are made intelligible [Rev 5.5].
But this doesn't comfort the grieving children of Homs, Maaloula or Aleppo. We can pray and/or send money . Or we can physically go there and weep with those who weep. We can petition the Government to open our borders and welcome them as we should all widows and orphans. Whatever or whichever, doing nothing is not an option.
Posted by Archbishop Cranmer at 9:43 am Permalink

I2C 140117c 1Jo 3v16to18 Syria Our Egregious Nonfeasance / I2C / 140117 2025 / 1st John 3:16-18 Syria: Our Egregious Nonfeasance / The sovereign peoples' power and responsibility is Providential

Judges 2:1-4 More O Malfeasance

(Jdg 2:1-4 KJV)  ¶ And an angel of the LORD came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant with you. 2 And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars: but ye have not obeyed my voice: why have ye done this?  3 Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.  4 And it came to pass, when the angel of the LORD spake these words unto all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.

More O Malfeasance / Benghazi baddies get away with murder

The biblical and constitutional remedy for our current political sickness is impeachment, conviction, and removal from office.

The Real Scandal
Why are the Benghazi killers still at large?
Months and months ago, when Barack Obama could be bothered to say anything at all about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, the president promised to bring the perpetrators to justice. That was before White House spokesman Jay Carney dismissed the attacks as something that “happened a long time ago.”
It’s been 16 months. The U.S. government has neither captured nor killed a single participant in those attacks, which left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead.
Why? A new report on the attacks from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, along with more than 400 pages of newly declassified congressional testimony from senior military officials, provides fresh insight. The explanation for this failure—a lack of will, combined with a shameless mischaracterization of intelligence—is almost as outrageous as the failure itself.
Since the attack in Benghazi, the Obama administration has refused to publicly identify the parties responsible. But the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report confirms that the U.S. government’s investigation has turned up more and more ties to al Qaeda.
“Individuals affiliated with terrorist groups, including AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb], Ansar al-Sharia, AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula], and the Mohammad Jamal Network, participated in the September 11, 2012, attacks,” according to the Senate Benghazi report, prepared under the supervision of Chairman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, and signed by every Democrat on the panel.
Obama administration officials know this. And so, when questioned by the press, they increasingly rely on a false distinction. While some of the perpetrators may be tied to al Qaeda, the administration argues, they are not part of “core” al Qaeda.
State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf lectured reporters on this supposedly crucial distinction during a briefing on January 14. A reporter pointed out that Feinstein has openly disagreed with the idea that al Qaeda had nothing to do with the attack. “I believe that groups loosely associated with al Qaeda were” involved, she told the Hill last week. Feinstein’s comment was actually an understatement, but it was enough to draw a defensive response from Harf.
“Well, as I said, we have no information at this point that core al Qaeda, which I think is probably what the senator was referring to, was involved in planning or directing this attack,” Harf responded. Harf pointed to the State Department’s recent terrorist designation of Ansar al Sharia, one of the groups responsible, and conceded that there may be “some affiliations between some people in Ansar al Sharia and some people who may be affiliated with al Qaeda.” Still, Harf insisted: “But let’s be very clear that we don’t have evidence—which I think we should all rely on evidence here—in our investigation that links core al Qaeda to developing, planning this attack at this point.”
Harf is right that “we should all rely on evidence.” When we look at the available evidence it becomes crystal clear that the Obama administration is dissembling.
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report found that terrorists “affiliated” with four organizations participated in the attack. The ties between those organizations and al Qaeda are direct. Two of those groups,  AQIM and AQAP, are official branches of al Qaeda. Both have sworn allegiance to Ayman al Zawahiri, the head of al Qaeda since the death of Osama bin Laden, and there is considerable evidence that they continue to follow the direction set forth by Zawahiri and his advisers.
Neither Harf nor any other administration official has offered a precise definition of “core” al Qaeda. The term, invented in the West, vaguely refers to the group’s top leaders in South Asia. But al Qaeda’s senior leaders are not confined to any one nation or region. They operate in several countries across the globe.
A short biography of Nasir al Wu-hayshi, the general manager of al Qaeda, shows just how dubious the administration’s concept of “core” al Qaeda really is. Wuhayshi was handpicked by Osama bin Laden to serve as his aide-de-camp and protégé years before the September 11, 2001, attacks. He fled Afghanistan after the Taliban’s fall in late 2001 and was then imprisoned for several years in his native Yemen. But Wuhayshi eventually escaped and quickly rose through al Qaeda’s ranks once again. In early 2009, he announced the creation of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula—a merger of al Qaeda’s wings in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In August 2013, Zawahiri appointed Wuhayshi as al Qaeda’s global general manager—a “core” position if there ever was one. Wuhayshi is largely responsible for managing al Qaeda’s international operations. The position was previously filled by terrorists operating in Pakistan. In short, Wuhayshi is “core” al Qaeda.
Some of Wuhayshi’s men participated in the Benghazi assault. CNN first reported that several Yemenis belonging to AQAP were directly involved. The Senate Intelligence Committee has now confirmed the participation of terrorists “affiliated” with Wuhayshi’s AQAP.
A third group identified in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report is the Muhammad Jamal network. Jamal is an Egyptian who was trained by al Qaeda in the late 1980s. In the years that followed, Jamal served as a commander in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), a group headed by Ayman al Zawahiri that merged with Osama bin Laden’s joint venture prior to the 9/11 attacks. Jamal was imprisoned by Hosni Mubarak’s regime, but released in 2011 after the Arab uprisings. He quickly got back to work. Jamal established training camps in the Sinai Peninsula and eastern Libya.
Jamal was rearrested in late 2012. Egyptian authorities then discovered, on a seized computer, that Jamal had been in direct contact with Zawahiri. In his letters, Jamal reveals that he had sworn bayat (an oath of allegiance) to Zawahiri. This oath is binding and requires Jamal to follow Zawahiri’s orders. One of Jamal’s letters to Zawahiri was dated August 18, 2012—less than a month before the attack in Benghazi. (The letter summarized Jamal’s prior operations, but doesn’t discuss any upcoming plans.)
Jamal was working to establish his own official branch of al Qaeda prior to his most recent confinement. He was clearly operating as part of the al Qaeda network. Both the State Department and the United Nations have recognized in formal terrorist designations that Jamal conspired with AQAP, AQIM, and al Qaeda’s senior leadership in Pakistan.
As was first reported by the Wall Street Journal and other press outlets, some of Jamal’s Egyptian trainees helped overrun the U.S. compound in Benghazi. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report confirms this fact.
The final group identified in the Senate report is Ansar al Sharia. Administration officials and some journalists have tried to portray Ansar al Sharia as a purely “local” group unaffiliated with al Qaeda’s global operations. This is false. According to multiple recent reports, the Ansar al Sharia chapters in Libya and Tunisia are sending fighters to al Qaeda’s branches in Syria. Leaders in both organizations are openly pro-al Qaeda, even when they deny being part of the organization. And in the recent State Department designation mentioned by Harf, the Obama administration recognized that Ansar al Sharia Tunisia is, in fact, “tied” to al Qaeda’s branches, including AQIM. Ansar al Sharia Tunisia was responsible for the ransacking of the U.S. embassy in Tunis on September 14, 2012.
The head of Ansar al Sharia in Derna, Libya, is a former Guantánamo detainee named Sufian Ben Qumu. A leaked threat assessment authored by military officials at Guantánamo identifies Ben Qumu as a longtime al Qaeda operative and “associate” of Osama bin Laden. The same file notes that Ben Qumu’s alias was discovered on the laptop of the terrorist who oversaw the finances for the 9/11 plot. The paymaster listed Ben Qumu as an al Qaeda “member receiving family support.” Ben Qumu trained in al Qaeda camps, received al Qaeda stipends, and worked with senior al Qaeda leaders.
Members of Ben Qumu’s group in Derna also took part in the Benghazi attack, according to the State Department.
The ties between al Qaeda and the four organizations identified in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report are obvious and indisputable. What’s more, prior to the Benghazi attack, the U.S. government had no trouble identifying the groups involved as being part of al Qaeda. A July 6, 2012, report authored by the CIA, “Libya: Al Qaeda Establishing Sanctuary,” described the Jamal network, AQAP, and AQIM as “al Qaeda-affiliated” groups and warned that they “have conducted training, built communication networks, and facilitated extremist travel across North Africa from their safe haven in parts of eastern Libya.”
On August 16, 2012, Ambassador Stevens sent a cable to the State Department’s headquarters summarizing a security meeting the previous day.  During that meeting, a CIA officer pinpointed “the location of approximately 10 Islamist militias and AQ training camps within Benghazi.” Also in August 2012, the Library of Congress published a report in conjunction with the Defense Department’s Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (“Al Qaeda in Libya: A Profile”) that exposed al Qaeda’s clandestine network inside Libya and concluded that Sufian Ben Qumu and his Ansar al Sharia group have “increasingly embodied al Qaeda’s presence in Libya.”
Immediately after the attack, nothing changed. According to Feinstein, when then-CIA director David Petraeus testified before her committee on September 13, 2012, he was clear that “al Qaeda elements” were involved in the assault. On September 14, the original draft of the CIA’s talking points noted, “we do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al Qaeda participated in the attack.” A follow-up draft contained the same language before it was taken out—ostensibly to protect sources and methods but certainly not because it was inaccurate. In public statements well beyond those early days after the attack, members of the intelligence committees in both houses of Congress—and from both parties—pointed to al Qaeda involvement in the Benghazi attack.
Even so, the Obama administration persists in hiding behind a rhetorical smoke screen. It claims there is no evidence that “core al Qaeda” gave a secret, specific order for these groups to conduct this particular attack, at this particular time, in this particular manner. But we know that senior al Qaeda leaders wanted U.S. facilities attacked. We know this, because they said so, publicly. On September 10, 2012, the day before the Benghazi attacks, Ayman al Zawahiri released a 42-minute video in which he called on followers to avenge the death of Abu Yaha al Libi, a senior al Qaeda operative from Libya who had been killed in a U.S. drone attack in June.
Zawahiri called to the “Ummah of Islam and oh free and honorable ones in Libya” to seek revenge. “So, where are you from retaliating for your son and reviver of the biography of your Sheikh? His blood is calling you and is urging you and is inciting you to fight and kill the crusaders. So, don’t weaken.”
The Obama administration would have us believe that what happened in Libya the following day, on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, was a coincidence. White House spokesman Jay Carney has scolded reporters for “conflating” the attacks in Benghazi with the anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, as if the events are obviously unrelated. The administration is clinging to the fanciful notion that multiple members of al Qaeda’s international network—from Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and elsewhere—wandered onto the scene and just happened to kill four Americans.
This is far from an academic point. The administration is using lawyerly misdirection to excuse its failure to capture or kill any perpetrators. In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee last fall, declassified last week and first reported by Kristina Wong of the Hill, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey, said the U.S. military was not authorized to target the Benghazi attackers because they were not considered “al Qaeda” or “associated forces” and were therefore not covered by the Authorization for the Use of Military Force passed by Congress after the original 9/11 attacks.
“The individuals related in the Benghazi attack, those that we believe were either participants or leadership of it, .  .  . dont fall under the AUMF authorized by the Congress of the United States. So we would not have the capacity to simply find them and kill them either with a remotely piloted aircraft or with an assault on the ground.”
Thus the official position of the Obama administration—as conveyed under oath, in a classified setting, by the nation’s top uniformed military official: The Benghazi attackers are not covered by the AUMF because they are neither al Qaeda nor “associated forces.”
This is a reprehensible evasion. It explains why the United States has failed to bring the Benghazi perpetrators to justice. But it in no way excuses that failure.
Stephen F. Hayes is a senior writer at The Weekly Standard. Thomas Joscelyn is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

I2C 140117b Jdg 2v1to4 More O Malfeasance / I2C / 1401 / Judges 2:1-4 More O Malfeasance / Benghazi baddies get away with murder