Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Rough Language

{{___ Cussing and filthy talk disappeared at the instant of salvation for me to never return along with many other things actually. This is the normal experience of salvation.}}

I believe that you are correct about this.

The loss of the first love is rather universal though.

And in some this entails being conformed to the world in the matter of rough language.

Occupations and sports once thought of as exclusively masculine are particularly likely to have this effect.

The author of "The Caine Mutiny", deliberately censored the normal filthy language of his World War II Navy seamen. It would be distracting to most readers and would add little in the way of meaning.

In such settings the bad language is mostly a sign that one belongs to the club.

Those who abstain from such things (and who also abstain from criticizing others) generally gain in respect, however.

But many of us learn this rather late in life.