Sunday, June 03, 2007

POLL J:) The Submissive Christian Woman: A Myth?!?

See article below, and: Vote! Make your opinion (or lack thereof) count!! Vote at Christian AAA Bible Study Forum Thread 29708!!!. (Choices and link also given after article below.)

From an Amazon .com book description, The Myth Of The Submissive Christian Woman::

The Myth Of The Submissive Christian Woman: Walking with God without Being Stepped On by Others [/] by Brenda Waggoner

[...] Editorial Reviews [/] Book Description [/] Many women have been lured into trying to live out a mythical version of biblical submission. They appear authentic on the outside, but on the inside they're chained by misperceptions of the truth that skew their priorities and cause them to doubt themselves. The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman is about living a life surrendered to Jesus by embracing God's gifts, offering them back to him, and passing them on to others. This book is about living truthfully and freely the abundant life Jesus has promised us as Christians.

From the Back Cover [/] The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman [/] Walking with God without Being Stepped On by Others

God didn’t call you to be a doormat! [/] Yes, Scripture calls us to die to self—self-absorption, self-centeredness, self- righteousness, and self-indulgence—but nowhere does Scripture tell us to abandon all of the wonderful God-given gifts and talents that make us who we are.

In The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman, author Brenda Waggoner dispels the myth that biblical submission requires that women reject who they are and become passive in their relationships with God and others. [/] Along the way, the author shatters the misconception that good manners, niceness, and passivity equal godliness and reveals that true biblical submission does not mean submitting to everyone else’s wants, needs, and opinions while ignoring your own. Instead, it means living truthfully by putting God first, submitting yourself to his will, and living your life according to what he desires.

[...] Spotlight Reviews [/] Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers. [/] Search Customer Reviews

** Must Read [/] [...] Where, oh where, was this book about 2 years ago when I was learning these lessons the hard way? Fortunately God brought someone into my life to teach me these things. It would have been so much easier if he could have just given me this book rather than spending months helping me sort out all of the inaccurate submissive ideas I had gotten over the years. [/] [...] The light came on for me and I will never go back to what it was. I think this book has the potential to turn the same light on for many women!

** The Myth of the Submissive Saint [/] This is a good book. My only problem with it is that it is written for women. I understand that Brenda Waggoner specializes in ministry to women and that this book would make a great study book for a ladies' reading group. I also understand that it touches on an area concerning women where there has been much erroneous teaching. However, it has been my experience that struggles with dominance and submission are not gender specific. Many women have control issues and many men are recessive. Also, while the majority of illustrations in this book are gender specific, the Scriptures, quotes, and outline certainly are not. This book would be of value to people of both sexes. Many people, both male and female, both dominant and recessive, could benefit from wrestling with the statements made in this book.

Customer Reviews [/] ** Finally I understand [/] [...] I always felt uneasy about this area in my christian walk, because I have seen and heard of many women trapped in marriages when submission is interpreted as "subservience". Submission has been a much abused principle, and much of the "abuse" happens in the body of Christ. This book opened my eyes, giving me the correct perspective on submission. It is a "must read" for persons involved in women's ministries, pastors and marriage counsellors, so that the correct perspective can be taught to both men and women. It is also a good gift for single women who are contemplating marriage, and for married women who have difficulty with "submission" as we know it. An EXCELLENT book, and the exercises at the end of each chapter allow for personal reflection.

** Not your ordinary Christian self-help [/] With passionate caring, Brenda Waggoner delves into a dense area of Christian struggle. Not just for women, and not just on the obvious topic suggested in the title, this book probes your heart. Going deeper than most self-help Christian books, you can receive guidance from Brenda if you are ready to spend real time with each chapter. She offers scripture to meditate upon, and questions that initiate your own inner exploration. Perhaps most importantly, she opens up her own life struggles to the reader. She comes to the book not just as the therapist that she is, but as the woman she is, who became the therapist. Highly recommended. [...] [My ellipses and emphasis]

Poll Question: The Submissive Christian Woman: A Myth?!? | Poll choices:

1. Yes. Like the Unicorn (and Alice) a Fabulous Monster! / 2. Yes. Male chauvinist trickery. / 3. Yes. Old Testament notion. / 4. Yes. Primitive tribal notion. / 5. Yes. Victorian era notion. / 6. Yes. Radical Middle East notion. / 7. Yes. Mistaken interpretation of scripture. / 8. Yes. / 9. Possibly. / 10. Possibly. Have not seen any. / 11. Possibly. But could exist, theoretically. / 12. Possibly. But miracles can happen. / 13. No. / 14. No. But "obedient" is a better term. / 15. No. But "properly subordinate" is a better term. / 16. No. But "appropriately loving" is a better term. / 17. No. Remember example of Sarah (1 Peter 3:5-6). / 18. No opinion. Important issues deserve much study. / 19. No comment. / 20. No opinion. / 21. This poll is worthless. / 22. This poll is of negative value. / 23. Other.

Vote at Christian AAA Bible Study Forum Thread 29708! Vote!! Make your opinion (or lack thereof) count!!!