Saturday, September 08, 2007

Depression: Major Cause of Poor Health

The scientists are confirming the experiences of many of us who have experienced much major clinical depression and life-long sub-clinical depression.

Some thoughts based on my own extensive experience and reading:

. St. John's wort, Germany's most prescribed anti-depressant, available without a prescription, works wonders. See: medical information, St. John's wort vendor.

. Colossians 3:2 KJV Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

.Both of the above are indicated for sub-clinical depression, a very common state. When we are depressed, going to the doctor is an arduous chore.

. Depression is a natural state. It occurs in time of famine and conserves energy when both physical and mental activity are subordinated to survival. The medical condition is caused by the false identification of hopeless situations. Both heredity and upbringing may lead to this.

I report and link. You decide. - BJon

From a Yahoo Reuters article, Depression more damaging than some chronic illnesses:

Depression more damaging than some chronic illnesses [/] By Michael Kahn Fri Sep 7, 1:53 PM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Depression is more damaging to everyday health than chronic diseases such as angina, arthritis, asthma and diabetes, researchers said on Friday.

And if people are ill with other conditions, depression makes them worse, the researchers found.

"We report the largest population-based worldwide study to our knowledge that explores the effect of depression in comparison with four other chronic diseases on health state," the researchers wrote in the Lancet medical journal. [/] Somnath Chatterji of the World Health Organisation, who led the study, said researchers calculated the impact of different conditions by asking people questions about their capacities to function in everyday situations -- such as moving around, seeing things at a distance and remembering information.

[...] "Our main findings show that depression impairs health state to a substantially greater degree than the other diseases," the researchers wrote. [/] The team used World Health Organisation data collected from 60 countries and more than 240,000 people [...] The findings show the need to provide better treatment for depression because it has such a big impact on people with chronic illnesses, Chatterji added. [/] "What tends to happen is a health provider doesn't look for anything else but the chronic illness," he said. [/] "What we are saying is, these people will also be depressed and if you don't manage the depression you can't improve a person's health because depression is actually worsening it." [My ellipses and emphasis]

Jim :) Smiling aka Brother Jonathan aka Toto Of Kansas | Link to my Blogs, Forums & Essays