Thursday, October 30, 2008

Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby

Not raised black, actually, just white --- and red.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. - Psalms 20:7

I report and link. You decide. - BJon

Barack Obama is a "red diaper baby" who has spent his formative years -- literally from the moment of his birth -- interacting with members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, USA. His mother Stanley Ann Dunham has been described by former classmates as a "fellow traveler." His grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.

From an American Thinker .com article, Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby, more follows:

Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby [/] October 30, 2008 [/] By Andrew Walden

By now most of the American public has heard about unrepentant Weatherman terror bomber Bill Ayers, who discovered the pen is mightier than the sword and so worked with Barack Obama to steer $150 million to their radical cronies via the Annenberg Challenge. [...] In March and April TV viewers were treated to a solid month of "God %%%% America" from Obama's pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.

Are these simply isolated incidences of Obama using poor judgment in choosing his allies?

No. Barack Obama is a "red diaper baby" who has spent his formative years -- literally from the moment of his birth -- interacting with members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, USA. His mother Stanley Ann Dunham has been described by former classmates as a "fellow traveler." His grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.

Key details about Ann Dunham [(Obama’s mother)] come from interviews in The Chicago Tribune, March 27, 2007 and the Seattle Times, April 8, 2008.

Done bouncing around Kansas, California and Texas in the years after World War Two, Stanley and Madelyn in 1955 picked up and relocated 2,000 miles from Texas to Seattle. The next year they relocated to Mercer Island specifically so their daughter, Obama's future mother, Stanley Ann Dunham could attend Mercer Island high school. [/] What was special about Mercer Island High School? The Chicago Tribune explains: [/] "In 1955, the chairman of the Mercer Island school board, John Stenhouse, testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party." [/] After intense debate, Stenhouse decided not to resign from the school board according to an April 11, 1955 account in Time Magazine. While others demanded Stenhouse's resignation, the Dunhams gravitated towards his school.

Stenhouse's leftism found an echo on the faculty. The Seattle Times explains: [/] Dunham [(Obama’s future mother)] gravitated toward an intellectual clique. […] [/] The parents of the late 1950s are those we now call "The Greatest Generation." But years later Ann Dunham's ignorance and arrogance found an echo in Obama's book "Dreams From my Father" (p 47). [/] Obama describes his mother arguing with her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Soetoro had become an Indonesian oil company manager and wanted Ann to accompany him to various social functions with American oil company personnel. Ann refused arguing, "Those are not my people." (p 47)

As with Obama, his mother's generation of these pseudo-intellectual leftist high schoolers found a way to think of themselves as superior. How? By surrounding themselves with co-thinkers. The Seattle Times continues: [/] One respite was found in a wing of Mercer Island High called "anarchy alley." Jim Wichterman taught a wide-open philosophy course that included Karl Marx. Next door, Val Foubert taught a rigorous dose of literature, including Margaret Mead's writings on homosexuality. [/] Those classes prompted what Wichterman, now 80 and retired in Ellensburg, called "mothers' marches" of parents outraged at the curriculum. [/] Dunham thrived in the environment, Wichterman said.

[…] And despite flirting with atheism, she went to services at East Shore Unitarian church, a left-leaning congregation in Bellevue. [/] […]"She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she'd read about and could argue," said Maxine Box, who was Dunham's best friend in high school. "She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn't. [/] "If you were concerned about something going wrong in the world, Stanley would know about it first," said Chip Wall, who described her as "a fellow traveler...."

The Chicago Tribune mentions a description of the Dunham's chosen church as "The Little Red Church on the Hill". According to its own website, East Shore Unitarian Church got that name because of, "Well-publicized debates and forums on such controversial subjects as the admission of ‘Red China' to the United Nations...." The fact that John Stenhouse once served as church president might also have contributed to the "red" label.

[…] Barack Obama writes: "The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics." [/] But she had a very different idea about black Americans. As Obama explains: [/] "Every black man was Thurgood Marshall or Sidney Poitier; every black woman Fannie Lou Hammer or Lena Horne. To be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special destiny, glorious burdens that only we were strong enough to bear." (Dreams p 51) [...] Starting in the 1930s the Communist Party promoted opportunities for ‘inter-racial' relationships among its members. [/] As future Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis would explain in his 1968 book "Sex Rebel: Black", CPUSA recruitment burgeoned in part due to the sexual opportunities the Communists created.

[…] This is echoed in The Chicago Tribune: [/] While her girlfriends, including Box, regularly baby-sat, Stanley Ann showed no interest. "She felt she didn't need to date or marry or have children," Box recalled. "It wasn't a put-down, it wasn't hurtful. That's just who she was." [...] Things suddenly changed when Ann graduated in 1960 and the Dunhams moved to Hawaii. Young Ann quickly fell in love with and married Barack Obama Sr, a socialist from Kenya who she met in a University of Hawaii Russian language class -- and soon gave birth to Barack Jr. Seattle's leftist milieu of coffeehouse political debates in Hawaii evolved into long sessions at UH Manoa with other leftist students listening to jazz, drinking beer and debating politics and world affairs.

[…] The hunger for recruits has given the CPUSA a black fetish -- both literally and figuratively. And this fetish has in turn shaped the Communist view of society and of politics. [/] And so, in Obama’s eyes, socialism is “black”. And the definition of race is ideological rather than biological. And this marks the fundamental nature of the “red diaper baby” -- ideology has triumphed and established its dominion over all the natural aspects of life, even love itself [My ellipses and emphasis]