Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Obama Four Year Plan to Re-make America

Link to the entire article. The devil is in the details.

This spirit of freedom which built our country is presently in jeopardy. It is being stealthily undermined by the peculiar form of government which the Obama administration is determined to institutionalize; a government with a lust for control that is more expansive in scope than many seem to realize; and one which tries to arrogate - contrary to the principles of the Founding Fathers- far more power than it was originally intended to wield.

Amongst the primary objectives the Obama administration has set out to accomplish are: a complete restructuring of our economy in accordance with the President's socialist construct; the establishment of a federally run Health Care System; the reshaping of our military prowess into an obsolete commodity; A gradual consolidation, under the Executive branch, of authority commonly delegated to the Judicial and the Legislative branches; and finally, the legal prohibition of aired dissent from any assembly or media outlet which happens to disagree with the President or seeks to divulge the potentially deleterious effects of his policies.

A key element of this strategy is to create a narrative which questions the plausibility of a majority elected government in a free society like ours, entertaining and eventually actualizing such illiberal aspirations, and portrays the Obama administration as one that is not engaged in clandestine operations as has been unfairly alleged; and that any evidences to the contrary are merely the unintended consequences of nobler initiatives which have been skewed by the media, or most likely part of a smear conspiracy from his right wing detractors. [My emphasis]

From an American Thinker .com article, The Obama 4 year plan to re-make America, more below:

Some Americans get it. Including the 20% that favor impeachment. According to the liberal Public Policy Polling December 4-7 [.pdf link, scroll down]:

Q6 Do you support the impeachment of President Obama for his actions in office so far? Yes - 20%; No - 67%; Not Sure- 13%

I report and link. You decide. - BJon

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. - Psalms 20:7

The Obama 4 year plan to re-make America [/] December 12, 2009 [/] By Miguel A. Guanipa

There are very good reasons why the United States of America is still worthy of being referred to as the greatest country is the world. This Nation's very existence is a tribute to the unflagging spirit of innovation, courage and self-determination. But most importantly, America provides an exemplary model for what the concept of freedom is supposed to look like in real time, which other countries seek to emulate. That is not the myopic and pretentious declaration of a naive urbanite -- it is a demonstrable truth. Try living overseas for a little while and you will see what I mean.

[…] But since the Obama administration has indeed shown that it does entertain such aspirations, and that it plans to make good on them, let us then briefly examine every one of these rather ambitious objectives in terms of their respective strategies, if for no other reason than to offer some kind of preparatory grounds for resistance.

[…] How then do we stop this well orchestrated assault on our freedoms?

Freedom means action, and it comes with great responsibility. Once we surrender our responsibility to preserve Freedom and are given over to complacency, our precious liberties naturally begin to erode. [/] So first we must sound the alarm and do our best to warn the uninformed, of the imminent peril our freedoms face. We must also resist by coming out in force to the voting booth. And finally, we must pray ardently. For if these objectives are allowed to see fruition, it will not matter who is chosen next time, for new administrations seldom take pains to rescind or diminish their fresh claims to power, once their predecessors have cast a wide net of dominance over that which they have been asked to preside.

If we avoid this great responsibility, we should not be surprised when we awaken one day to find that not only us, but also our children, have little choice but to endure the terrible consequences of our apathy. [My ellipses and emphasis]