Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jesus tastes death for all

 But we see Jesus crowned with glory and honor, which was made little inferior to the Angels, through the suffering of death, that by Gods grace he might taste death for all men, - Heb 2:9 gnv.
(The twice-exiled English scholars of John Calvin's Geneva have the phrases in a lucid order.)

All men are brought to Him at the Cross. The Crucifixion transcends time, a creature.

 "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will make all men come to me." - Joh 12:32 bbe.
(The Greek means dragged, not drawn, as most have it. "The weakness of God is stronger than man" -  1Co 1:23.)

The death that Jesus tastes on the Cross is the second death, eternal separation from God and from all of the good in His Creation.

The physical agony suffered is a type of this. Crucifixion slowly suffocates its victim through the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. The agony caused by a lack of sufficient air is the physical equivalent of the agony of soul and spirit caused by the absolute absence of God, in whom we now "live and breathe and have our being" - Act 17.28.