Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Best Things in Life Are Free

{{_ Can you get anything in the world without any effort?}}

Yes. Very commonly the best things the world has to offer are given by birth not by effort: wealth, good looks, intelligence, education, access to the privileged, etc.

The good news of eternal life being available freely to sinners who are willing to acknowledge their state and to humbly seek salvation from the Savior operates on a very similar principle: that of the second birth.

The New Testament, particularly Paul and John, are very plain about this.

To the extent that you demonstrate knowledge of scripture, you appear to be interpreting it in terms of some other authority either written or your own wisdom.

{{_ His blessings also will be given to those people who has put effort for Him.}}

This is the principle of law. But according to scripture law can only condemn and bring death since doing the complete law is demanded by a holy God.

{{_ if He gives freely, you do not know the value of it. so we may even mis-utilise it also.}}

According to scripture, He does give freely, and patiently leads his children into appreciation and application.

{{_ if you don't put effort, then why he has to bless you only? If He wants to bless you, then He has to bless all the people in the world.Because all are equal to him.}}

He continually blesses all the people in the world through all the blessings of this life.

And this despite the fact that most will remain His enemies through all eternity.

He has also blessed all by making eternal life available to all. Those who are athirst and who are willing to come as hopeless sinners desiring the freely available water of life in Christ Jesus, receive eternal life.

{{_ when any body puts effort then Lord can bless Him. If anybody asks why you are blessing Him more than me,then Lord can also say that He has put extra effort for Mysake.}}

The reason that the Lord blesses some with eternal life is because they are in Christ Jesus and have been saved from the wrath of God through His blood and His death and His Resurrection.

The wrath of God against the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men is not to be avoided except through acceptance of the precious sacrifice of His Son for helpless sinners.

{{_ the sufferance for our sin is to bring realisation in us. }}

And the realization is to lead us to humbly ask as sinners for that eternal life which is freely available in Christ Jesus.

{{Ex: we are troubling others by harsh words. if we receive similar treatment from others then only we will come to know how difficult it will be to undergo that? when this realisation is achieved, we will not be like that to others.}}

Improvements in behavior, as evaluated by man, are insufficient to avoid the wrath of God. Only by obeying the Good News and being seen by the Judge as in Christ Jesus is the Way open and accomplished to be free from wrath, free from sin, free from law, free from death.

((_ the whole spiritual effort revolves around Lord and His worship only. if we forget Him and do anything it is futile. Prayers, meditation, spiritual discussions, donating money for His mission and physically particpating in His mission form the different types of worships. All these are revolving around Lord only. out of these the last two show our real love towards Lord. worshipping is most essential, then only you will be eligible for His blessings. }}

All of these things may be the result of being born again. But they may also be the result of merely being a nominal Christian because of the social and other advantages of being seen by others as such.

The nominal Christian also remembers Him in his works. But it is a nominal remembering. He does these things as a "Christian".

But the truly born again does these things as a member in reality of the spiritual Body of Christ and as one completely accepted in the Beloved for all Eternity.