Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Creeping Socialism

{{_ The creeping socialism of increased government is costing too much money and keeping the governed poor. It is the government itself that causes inflation through their own lack of restraints on money.}}

The best solution is Ronald Reagan's, "Cut taxes".

But it is the habituation of the populace to government subsidies of various types that is the root of the problem.

If anyone has difficulties, the first place to go these days is to the federal government, then state, then local.

The historically normal resources of family, friends, and local church are often overlooked.

It is no longer the responsibility of a brother to care for his brother. For many, if not most, that is the responsibility of the federal government.

Pius XII had the right idea. If someone besides government can do it, government should not do it. If it is a choice between local or regional government, local government should do it.

The centralization of responsibility results in a centralization of authority. The totalitarian state, controlling everything, including thought, as in "hate crimes", is the result.

And the armies of bureaucrats and specialists presently employed in managing this centralization have a natural desire to enlarge their responsibilities and authority.

Their thought is: "Whatever it is that we are doing, it must be good because we are doing it. And therefore, we should do more of it."

It is good to be crucified to this world and have the world crucified to us (Gal. 6:14).