Friday, November 03, 2006

Best of European Muslims Coming to U.S.!?!

I report and link. You decide. - J :)

From a Davids Medienkritik blog article, Wolffsohn: Why Europe’s best Muslims are leaving Europe:

Wolffsohn: Why Europe’s best Muslims are leaving Europe

Moderate Euro-Muslims who expose the danger of Islamist fundamentalism are discriminated against by the European politically correct crowd. This article from Michael Wolffsohn in the German daily WELT addresses some of the dangers of the increasing influence of Islam in Germany and in Europe:

Why Europe’s best Muslims are leaving Europe [/] By Michael Wolffsohn

The best and brightest are leaving Germany and Europe. Capable young academics and freelancers especially can’t stand the stuffiness, narrow-mindedness and bureaucracies of the old continent any more. They almost always go to the USA , where those willing and able to work are rewarded. Apart from the birth dearth, that’s the demographic disaster.

The integration disaster looks like this: The few true Euro-Muslims are also leaving us and going to the USA . Both disasters threaten us from within. [/] This trend has names: Bassam Tibi, Hirse Ali, Salman Rushdie. Each of the three has his personal reasons to move from the old to the new world. The individual mosaic stones really form a picture.

It fundamentally departs from the caricature of the allegedly intolerant, racist and non-intellectual USA on the one hand, and the Western European-German ideal of a cosmopolitan, tolerant and intellectually stimulating society on the other. (...)

Male Euro-Muslims are already rare enough; you need a magnifying glass to find the women. But even they're not spared by the politically correct. What's the “mistake” of these individual, so diverse, Euro-Muslims? Why the constant attacks directed against them?

The answer is simple: They don’t attack “the Germans” and “the Europeans” as “racists” or “enemies of Islam”, but the Islamists as enemies of European tolerance. This “heresy” has to be “punished” in Europe , and so “integration” degenerates from a phrase into a disaster. (Translation by Richard Bartholomew.)

[My ellipses and emphasis]