Sunday, April 29, 2007

7th Century Barbarians Win?!?

I report and link. You decide. - J :)

From a Winnipeg Sun .com article, Iraq shows that U.S. not up to fight:

Iraq shows that U.S. not up to fight [/] Sat, April 28, 2007 [/] By SALIM MANSUR

[...] Al-Qaida's strategy is seemingly working. Harry Reid, the U.S. Democratic Senate Majority Leader, has declared the war in Iraq is lost. Hence, the winners would be the terrorists -- the barbarian marauders from the 7th century taking full measure of the greatest Western power of the 21st century and its inability to stomach the cost of defeating them.

This defeatism is more than Vietnam revisited. It is, in part, the never-dead virus of isolationism in American politics that is re-infecting a near majority of Americans into believing that if they shut the door to the world beyond the oceans then that world will not exist, nor torment them.

This "politics as a snapshot of the society" is the result of nearly two generations of education and media messaging that have brought about what political philosopher Allan Bloom documented so well in his book, The Closing of the American Mind.

In America, the most advanced attributes of the "instant gratification society" are to be found. The media has created a culture where anything of substantive value has merely a half-life between the relentless downpour of the trivial and the sensational.[...] [My ellipses and emphasis]