Friday, April 20, 2007

Va. Tech Killer Autistic

It is of interest that this obvious diagnosis does not seem to have been even contemplated by our media and their expert consultants despite four days of vast and detailed wall-to-wall coverage..

I report and link. You decide. - J :)

From a Mirror [UK] article, Grandad's anger at uni [Virginia Tech] murderer:

EXCLUSIVE: Grandad's anger at uni [Virginia Tech] murderer [/] Graham Brough In South Korea 20/04/2007

[...] Yang-Sun revealed the eight-year-old was diagnosed as autistic soon after his family emigrated to the US.

She said: "He was very quiet and only followed his mother and father around and when others called his name he just answered yes or no but never showed any feelings or motions.

"We started to worry that he was autistic - that was the big concern of his mother. He was even a loner as a child.

"Soon after they got to America his mother was so worried about his inability to talk she took him to hospital and he was diagnosed as autistic." [...] [My ellipses and emphasis]

Delphi forums on Autism and Asperger's Disorder:

Welcome To AAA Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Help and Support. We provide support, news, information, advocacy, for families dealing with this disorder. This is a Partners In Autisms Organization annex. Visit our web site for more current information. [Link now goes to Autism info.] [...]

Welcome To AspergerJungle

This Forum is intended for adult Aspies and NTs (neuro typicals) to meet and rid themselves of frustrations they might feel towards each other. It is for kicking, screaming and releasing those pent up feelings without fear of any comeback and perhaps end up with a dialogue for greater understanding of each other [...] [My ellipses and emphasis]