Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our Unbelievably Brave New World!!!

With deepest apologies to William Shakespeare and Aldous Huxley.

O, wonder! / How many goodly creatures are there here! / How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world / That has such people in't! - Miranda in Shakespeare's "The Tempest" (V.i.181-4)

"Community, Identity, Stability" is the motto of Aldous Huxley's utopian World State. Here everyone consumes daily grams of soma, to fight depression, babies are born in laboratories, and the most popular form of entertainment is a "Feelie," a movie that stimulates the senses of sight, hearing, and touch. Though there is no violence and everyone is provided for, ... - Amazon review of Huxley's "Brave New World"

I report and link. You decide. - BJon

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. - Psalm 20:7

From a Breitbart .tv AFP video clip, "Transsexual Pageant Contestants Kiss Monkeys to Warm of Global Warming",Click to view (Seeing is believing):

[Captions:] Transsexual Pageant Contestants Kiss Monkeys to Warm of Global Warming

"Global warming is one of the most serious problems the world faces today."

Much more innocent fellowship with animals and big time beauty pageantry occurs in the video clip for those whose stomachs are not particularly weak.

Jim :) Smiling aka Brother Jonathan aka Toto Of Kansas | Link to my Blogs, Forums & Essays