Thursday, July 28, 2005

Oz Author? Wicca? Trans-gender?

A thread has been posted asking for info on the author of the Harry Potter series.

I am interested in the sort of accusations that were made about the Oz series and their original author, L. Frank Baum.

In the first book, Oz was ruled by four witches (and a bogus wizard).

In the second book a good witch has magically transformed the infant rightful sovereign of Oz, Princess Ozma, as a boy in order to protect him/her until he/she comes of age and can be magically transformed into a girl.

The worst I have read about the author is that he supported the theatrical arts and perhaps certain actresses.

But it is of interest to compare the reception of fictional witches one hundred years ago with today.

The rise of the charismatic movement during the same time period has, of course, made contemporary spiritual miraculous events, whether good or evil, more acceptable to many.

The movie, "The Exorcist" and the interesting book, "Hostage to the Devil", were influential in extending this popular acceptability to demon possession and harassment.

I have a suspicion that it is this cultural change, and not greater spiritual discernment that has given rise to the explosion of prejudice against Harry Potter.

I have read the first Potter book. And nothing in it made me think that it was more evil than other contemporary fiction. From the points of view of ordinary morality and good writing, it is head and shoulders above most contemporary fiction.