Monday, July 18, 2005

Political Impact of Witches and Their Fans

{{_ So what is the actual witch population in the U.S. [?]}}

I have no idea of the witch population.

The reported poll was of the fans of witches.

There are plenty of these, 6.9 million copies of the witches latest adventures were sold in 24 hours.

The fans of witches having a known huge population are the group targeted by sensible politicians.

Gov. George Corely Wallace, of happy memory, made a huge mistake by attacking the pseudo-intellectuals.

He would have been better advised to attack the intellectuals.

Demographers have differing opinions, but at the time there were between six and twenty million pseudo-intellectuals among American voters.

And only a few hundred intellectuals. The intellectuals were obviously the people to attack.

{{_ and how can the democrats target them & make sure they get the vote? :)...}}

I am sure that the witch vote is, and will be, solidly Democratic.

It is the Democrats and the liberals who have done so much to establish all sorts of special protections for groups that ordinary people do not like very much.

The situation among the fans of witches seems to show that a 53% majority favor red state values.

On the other hand, Bush has slightly higher negatives than Senator Clinton.

From the article cited in .1 above:

Other findings: Of the four mythical houses at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 41 percent of adults saw themselves in Ravenclaw, where intelligence and wit are the most valued attributes. [typical blue state virtues]

Thirty percent of Americans saw themselves in Gryffindor (loyalty and courage) where Harry Potter lives; 23 percent chose Huffelpuff (patience and hard work); [two important sets of red state virtues] and only 2 percent saw themselves in Slytherin, where cunning and ambition characterize the residents. [these would be the professional politicians, perhaps]

However, 52 percent of those polled placed President George W. Bush in Slytherin and 50 percent said Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would live in Slytherin.

We should all be studying more of the literature that guides the thinking of this important group of American voters.