Saturday, November 26, 2005

The American Thinker

The American Thinker:

"A multimillion-dollar campaign to boost Germans� low self-confidence has backfired after it emerged that its slogan was coined by the Nazis.

The $34 million �Du Bist Deutschland�You Are Germany��campaign was devised to inspire Germans to stop moaning and do something good for their country.

Beethoven, Einstein and the sports stars Franz Beckenbauer and Michael Schumacher have been cited in advertisements encouraging Germans to take more pride in their homeland.

But a historian from Ludwigshafen has provoked an uproar with his discovery that the same �Du Bist Deutschland� cry was used at Nazi rallies in the 1930s.

Stefan Morz uncovered photographs of a 1935 Nazi convention in which soldiers display a banner reading, in Gothic script, �Denn Du Bist Deutschland (Because You Are Germany).� The slogan was topped with the head of Adolf Hitler. Leading Nazis such as Hermann Goring and Joseph Goebbels attended the event. "