Friday, November 11, 2005

Egregious Abuse of the Egregious - Politics - Bill Clinton Decries His Impeachment In Speech At Hofstra:

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. -- Former President Clinton said Thursday that his impeachment was 'an egregious abuse of the Constitution' and asked if history judges him poorly because of his White House tryst with Monica Lewinsky, 'How many other presidents do you have to downgrade?' […] [My ellipses and emphasis]

Actually, it was the Democratic members of the House of Representatives who unanimously proposed that President Clinton should be "downgraded" through a censure resolution, in part because of behavior they termed "egregious".

(egregious: conspicuously bad or offensive, beyond the pale, outside the herd)

Poor man, perhaps one day, by the grace of the great I AM, he will discover the meaning of "is".

It is not too late to remember him in your prayers.