Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1Ti2v1to3 Betrayed by O

Cause of O administration malfunction – J :) 
1Ti 2:1-4 KJV I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; (4) Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
__ Prayer is the sovereign remedy for anxiety - Phil 4:6-7 - bringing the peace that passes understanding.
__ It is men, not law, that are given authority as God's servants, modifying, enforcing, and interpreting law.
__ In our Nation, the equivalent of "kings" is "the People" (actually, in this curmudgeon;s view, the several sovereign peoples of the several sovereign states). 
__ The biblical aim of prayer for all men and for all in authority is the establishment of a peaceful and stable environment in which we may effectually declare the Good News of eternal salvation through the Cross and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 
KipKoy said... [/] Jim, [/] As Obama ends his term in office, it is obvious that he has deceived us but I doubt he did it purposely but rather he didn't understand he couldn't do some of what he wanted to do.  I believe his pulling out of Iran was a terrible error and ISIS is the consequence.  I think he is more pro Muslim than he wants us to believe and we see that once in a while.  Is he worse than any other President?  I think not.  He just isn't as good as some of us hoped he'd be and for others, he could never be good enough. [/] Kip
Is he worse than any other President?  Not morally worse. Those who raised him and his later close acquaintances were not the best providers of character and sanity for anyone influenced by them. See earlier post on thread copied and linked below.
But his administration is undoubtedly the worst in our Nation's history. And at a time when the Nation and all humanity are in maximal peril from a variety of evils.
But our God and Father will accomplish His purpose whatever the current characteristics of the world.
Those that love Him and are the called according to that purpose will continue to grow, gradually but inevitably, into the very image of the Son of His love.
Lelanga said... [/] I don't think he believes he has betrayed us.  I think he actually thinks he is able to determine what is best for the majority of the people.  You have to understand you are dealing with someone who has a serious character disorder.  As C.S. Lewis said, a really bad man has no concept that he is a really bad man.  Obama has trashed nearly every value that has made this nation strong, but I think he truly feels he is right.  Now Pelosi, Reid and the rest - deliberate betrayal for their own power.
I believe you are right about the serious character disorder. His many enablers may have a greater degree of responsibility for the resulting debacle. Including the self-declared de-facto president, Valerie Jarrett. Including a Congress that does not impeach, convict, and expel from office. Including the electorate.
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