Sunday, June 25, 2006

POLL: "Redeploy" U.S. Forces Now In Iraq? - III

See article in three posts on this thread and Vote at Adult Christian Forum Thread 99048 (Choices also given after each of three article section posts).

U.S. can't 'redeploy' its way out of Iraq

The biggest kid on the block has responsibilities:

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. - Paul (Romans 13:3-4 KJV)

------------Beginning--Section III--of III--------------

Historical Note: The "redeploy" strategy was attempted on the large international corporation level in the 1980s. Even the word "redeploy" was used. Employees relocated as part of corporate "redeployment" were referred to as "redeploys".

The disaster that followed led the big time investment community to force an outside chief executive on the corporation for the first time in its history.

The aim of the strategy in that case was to return to a fondly remembered past of local branch office massive support of business customers who were using the cutting edge products of the mid twentieth century.

Somehow, the top executives did not realize that the latest generation of those same cutting edge products had facilitated effective and efficient customer support worldwide from a single location. (It is now becoming apparent that the ideal single location is in India.)

My own explanation, based on observation of internal corporate telecasts, was that those responsible top executives had the look of men who occasionally used adult beverages.

Although the contemplated national "redeployment" is in the opposite direction, toward the center rather than away from the center, --

The direction in time is the same: toward a fondly remembered past.

When will people learn that one can turn back the clock, but not reality. "Time Marches On" as the Henry Luce empire used to tell us in its movie feature.

Full disclosure I worked for the "un-redeployed" corporation as a computer architect, and, two decades later, for the "redeployed" corporation as a top level problem solver for an artificial intelligence software product of the knowledge base variety, helping support two hundred customer installations implemented in nine different languages in a dozen or two countries.

------------End--Section III--of III--------------

Poll Question: "Redeploy" U.S. Forces Now In Iraq? | Poll choices:

1. Yes. Only rabid right wing attack dogs think otherwise. [/] 2. Yes. Iraq for the Iraqis. [/] 3. Yes. Our soldiers have suffered enough. [/] 4. Yes. The Iraqis have suffered enough. [/] 5. Yes. Our international reputation has suffered enough. [/] 6. Yes. More oppression will only drive the victims to greater atrocities. [/] 7. Yes. Americans have the real needs for more government help. [/] 8. Yes, Let niceness reign in both foreign and domestic policies. [/] 9. Yes. [/] 10. Possibly. Should be investigated. [/] 11. Possibly. But bigger government more important. [/] 12. No. But stop attacking those made psychotic by oppression. [/] 13. No. [/] 14. No. Support Iraq's elected government. [/] 15. No. Keep our promises and commitments. [/] 16. No. Support law and order directed toward real freedom. [/] 17. No. The biggest kid on the block has responsibilities. [/] 18. No. Use big stick on world's thugs whenever needed. [/] 19. No comment. [/] 20. No opinion. [/] 21. This poll is worthless. [/] 22. This poll is of negative value. [/] 23. Other.

Vote at Adult Christian Forum Thread 99048