Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sore Losers: Sign of U.S. Moral Decay?

Back in the days of yesteryear, the Boy's Club of Trinity Episcopal Church in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, had a motto:

Lose with a winning smile.

But, today, for our cultural elites "winners and losers" have become "oppressors and victims".

So the (Anglican) Episcopal Church USA, having been "victimized" by criticism from the tradition-oriented worldwide Anglican majority, responds to their "oppressors" (mostly Africans and Asians, actually) by the "in your face" selection of a woman as their Presiding Bishop. (See Delphi Adult Christian Forum thread 98726: Episcopal Train Wreck Ahead .)

And in the sports-winners-oriented state (and onetime independent nation) of Texas, which in yesteryear had the motto:

A good little man can beat a good big man anytime, if he is in the right, and he keeps a' coming.

(Both mottoes are echoes of Gospel Truth: the God-given Faith of the Born Again in the ultimately beneficial provision of a Sovereign God to His children and their persistent God-given Faith in the Eternal Salvation of His chosen ones.

(Those are, by far, the best reasons to keep smiling and persisting. Full disclosure: it was a probably non-Christian friend who first gave me the nickname: "Smiling Jim". She could not understand, I believe, why an obviously defective person like myself should be always smiling.)

Now, in Texas, a new level of hysterical response to alleged National Basketball League "oppression" of an allegedly "victimized" Dallas, Texas, team has been attained.

From a MiamiHerald.com article, Official [cover-up]? Conspiracy theories no excuse for Dallas:

Posted on Tue, Jun. 20, 2006 [/] Official [cover-up]? Conspiracy theories no excuse for Dallas [/] gcote@MiamiHerald.com

[…] There was [the Dallas, Texas, Mavericks owner], whose billions can buy just about anything but a mortal slump by D-Wade, careening onto the court in a blue Jerry Stackhouse jersey after the final buzzer, screaming profanely at referee Joe DeRosa.

[The Dallas Mavericks owner] then turned to [National Basketball League Commissioner David] Stern and other NBA officials who were seated at the scorer's table and was overheard to shout venomously in the jubilant din, "[Bleep] you! [Bleep] you! Your league is rigged!''

MAVS COME UNHINGED [/] That was just after The Incredible Shrinking Dirk Nowitzki -- who began the series as a 7-foot [Dallas] superstar but has seen the series turn him into his own bobblehead doll -- punted the basketball up into the 300-level seats after the buzzer and marauded off the court, slamming a water cooler and kicking a stationary bicycle in the hallway en route to the visitors' dressing room.

A bit after that is when [Dallas] coach Avery Johnson conducted a news conference that, if it were any stranger, might have seen him restrained and fitted with a straitjacket by men in White Hot coats.

[…] [The Dallas coach's] performance seemed applicable to the phrase ''cracking under pressure'' to a degree that left you worried the coach was going to suddenly split in two, like a coconut that met a machete. […] [My ellipses, substitutions, and emphasis]