Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Anti-Alito Allies: Drug Dealers

From a Judicial Confirmation Network political video access and text page, Ad Supporting Judge Alito (Click for video):

Judicial Confirmation Network Ad Supporting Judge Alito [/] Help us support Judge Alito! [/] Call your Senators today

Text: [/] "Real America"

Left wing extremists opposing Judge Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court may have found new allies...drug dealers who hide drugs on children.

These extremist groups have even run TV ads attacking Judge Alito ­ ads siding with a convicted drug offender who sued police for searching his child during a raid at the suspected drug dealer's house.

These liberal extremists oppose the search. [/] They oppose Judge Alito. [/] And they oppose his tough on crime positions.

In THEIR America, drug dealers could freely use children to hide drugs.

In THEIR America, honest police officers could be sued for doing their job.

That is not the real America. [/] Contact your Senators. [/] Ask them to support Judge Alito.

Ask them... Whose side are they on?

The Judicial Confirmation Network [/] PO Box 791 [/] Alexandria, Virginia 22313-0791 [/] info@judicialnetwork.com [My ellipses and emphasis]