Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Protect Your Identity Online

Adult Christian Forum #89080.1:

PC World Magazine has several important articles on their website regarding Identity Theft, and different ways to combat the ever growing problem.

In one such article, they state the latest evil trick: using a self-issued certificate. Basically, what this does is allows phishers (people attempting to steal your identity, usually through email, or instant messaging) to forge a padlock on your browser (the padlock has been used to identify that you are on a secure site).

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself. The first is get some type of website browser identifier tool. One such tool is called SpoofStick, and another is called netcraft. [...] These tools will help identify the site you are on. For example, spoofstick will say you are on prospero.com once inside, it shows as being www.delphiforums.com

[...] Click to view the article mentioned above at PC World's website.