Saturday, December 03, 2005

First Face Transplant Super-Amazing

Two women, both aged 38, independently attempt suicide. One is successful. And her family donates her face to repair the grotesque and crippling injuries of the unsuccessful suicide.

And the world's first face transplant results.

The pet Labrador who caused the horrific injuries was destroyed. But it appears that the dog was instinctively trying to revive the woman who had intentionally overdosed on sleeping pills. (Possibly biting the nose and mouth of a comatose dog is often helpful, so dogs have been given that instinct.)

You cannot make this stuff up.

Romans 9:15-16 KJV For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. (16) So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

From an Independent [U.K.] article, World's first face transplant :

Donor for world's first face transplant had hanged herself [/] By Anthony Barnes and Tom Anderson [/] Published: 04 December 2005

The donor whose features were used for the world's first face transplant had committed suicide just hours before the operation.

As Isabelle Dinoire, 38, the recipient mauled by her pet labrador, was eating strawberries and chocolate yesterday following the operation, it emerged that the source of her new nose, lips and chin had hanged herself.

The woman, also 38, was brain dead when she arrived at a hospital in Lille last weekend, at which point preparations for the groundbreaking surgery began. [/] Her family gave consent for the operation.

Ms Dinoire was given her new start in a 15-hour procedure that ended on Monday morning. Speaking yesterday for the first time since the operation, she said: "I am very grateful to this woman. I thank her family for giving their permission for this operation. I thank them from the bottom of my heart."

She had suffered her appalling injuries after she lost consciousness following an overdose of sleeping tablets, which she has now confirmed was an attempt on her own life. Her dog, which has been destroyed, is thought to have been trying to revive her.

Now recovering from the surgery in the Eduard Herriot hospital in Lyons, she has been able to admire the work of the surgeons who had to ensure a match for skin tone and quality.

"I have been looking at my face in the mirror. It is very impressive. They have given me my face back," she told The Sunday Times.

[…] Prior to her surgery, Ms Dinoire had to wear a mask in public because of her shocking appearance, which led to teasing by those who saw her who assumed she was obsessed with germs. The injuries meant that she had trouble eating, breathing and talking with her lips completely absent. She had been on a waiting list for the surgery since August.

"As doctors, if we have the possibility to improve [the condition of] our patient, that is what we do," said Dr Jean-Michel Dubernard, the team leader who performed a controversial hand transplant in September 1998. He said he initially had doubts about performing such an operation but when he first saw her face he realised there was no other option. [My ellipses and emphasis]