Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Luk7v31to32 Leftie Thanksgiving

Luke 7:31-32 KJV ¶ And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like? 32 They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.

_ or earlier today gave the WashTimes link below with the comment: Second amendment advocates are warned to bring sidearms to ensure peaceful Thanksgiving. Bookmark the Ldot Must Reads or /shortcuts page for daily chuckles from link comments and cartoon of the day.
_ The last name of the Democratic National Committee communications director seems to me to be providential. Law enforcement will be particularly reminded to read him his Miranda rights.
_ Advocacy of political correctness seems to be as all consuming of common sense and common decency as the advocacy of sharia law or the advocacy of the dictatorship of the proletariat or advocacy of the germanic superman. Much more destructive of common sense, and common decency, actually, than these other perversions.
_ Lord willing, I will attempt to post better things about our great All-American holiday soon. Stay tuned.

DNC offers holiday guide for dealing with Republican relatives

The Democratic National Committee sent an email Tuesday to supporters with advice on how to talk to their Republican relatives during the holiday season, referring them to a website aimed at debunking right-wing talking points.
It’s that time of year — full of food and fun and celebrating with family and friends. But we here at the DNC know that occasionally all that togetherness can lead to some … let’s call them ‘lively’ conversations about politics with one Republican uncle,” reads the email, sent by Luis Miranda, DNC communications director. “So I’m officially deputizing you to serve as a Deputy Democratic Spokesperson this holiday season — and giving you special access to all the facts you could ever want.
We’ve designed a handy website with the perfect responses to all the most common right-wing talking points spouted by your family members who may spend a little too much time tuned into factually-challenged conservative talk radio,” the email reads.
Mr. Miranda advises Democrats “not to blame your Republican relatives too much — after all, they’re only taking after the GOP’s presidential candidates and their loose interpretation of reality.”
This week Republican presidential front-runner Donald J. Trump came under fire for saying that thousands of people in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center crumbled on 9/11. Fact-checking [N.B. Leftie-speak for “fact-spinning”.] website Politifact said the claim “defies basic logic” and gave Mr. Trump a “Pants on fire” rating.
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