Thursday, March 10, 2005

Evangelicals Back Global Warming

Herald Tribune Headline: Evangelical Leaders Swing Influence Behind Effort to Combat Global Warming


'The Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella group of 51 church denominations, said he had become passionate about global warming because of his experience scuba diving and observing the effects of rising ocean temperatures and pollution on coral reefs.

'"The question is, Will evangelicals make a difference, and the answer is, The Senate thinks so," Mr. Haggard said. "We do represent 30 million people, and we can mobilize them if we have to."'

And some of us thought that such decisions would be made after much prayer and factual analysis and the use of scripture and reason.

Cheap shot maybe.

But one should distinguish between becoming passionate about investigating a sign or symptom and being passionate about advocating a specific cure based on a specific diagnosis.