Saturday, March 19, 2005

Penny Dreadfuls for SEC Archon

Not to worry, Archon.

Check the date of the Business Week (registration required) articles:

Dr. No Digs In At The SEC

What Gets the SEC's Atkins Riled Up

Although Penny Dreadful is defined by most as a melodramatic paperback novel the term has also been applied to the viciously satirical cheap insult cards of yesteryear that the tough kids of the tough thirties sent to one another on February fourteenth.

(This was, of course, part of the Dark Ages:

(Before the vital emotional prophylactic importance of absolutely unsullied self-esteem enhancement had been revealed to all thoughtful persons.

(Today all right-minded lexicographers have evidently removed even the mention of this sense of the term, Penny Dreadful. A practice undoubtedly begun in 1984.)

The writers of Business Week are undoubtedly aware of this Great Tradition of yesteryear.

And actually have great affection for you.

Just as the tough kids of the tough thirties had great affection for one another.

Partial Disclosure: My dad had a subscription to Business Week back in the happy days of the golden fifties.