Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Send In the Clowns!

(Never mind that the cup runneth over already.)

From ABC News report:
Jay Leno Appears to Contradict Jackson Accuser

'Tonight Show' Host Told Investigators He Remembers Speaking With Alleged Victim, Said He Sounded 'Rehearsed' [ ... ]

Mar. 16, 2005 - A source close to the Michael Jackson child molestation case has exclusively shown ABC News what he says is a transcript of a tape-recorded interview with Jay Leno, and in that transcript, Leno appears to contradict the alleged victim's testimony that he never spoke directly to "The Tonight Show" host. [ ... ]

"Awhile back the mother called," Leno says in the transcript. " 'Oh, my son, he's 12 years old. Oh, he loves you.'"

Leno told authorities he was suspicious of the mother's claims.

"I'm not that much of an egomaniac," Leno says. "I don't know why a 12-year-old boy would be infatuated with a 55-year-old guy who does political jokes and things. And I said, 'Well, what can I do for you?' Or, well, I can't remember the exact [inaudible] of the phone call. But essentially, [they were] sort of looking for money." [ ... ]

"I don't know if he's reading from a script, but it just sounded coached," Leno says.

In the transcript, Leno tells investigators he did not remember the conversation until he watched "Living With Michael Jackson" and heard the boy's name mentioned. [ ... ]

Leno is among the potential defense witnesses in the case. Judge Rodney Melville last week relaxed a gag order on Leno and allowed him to tell jokes about the case on "The Tonight Show" as long as they do not relate to his potential testimony at trial.